
The kanji (Japanese writing) and logo patches that we wear on our uniforms reflect the key foundations of the Jin Sei Ryu Karate-Do philosophy. Wearing these patches reminds us to always train in the spirit of the style and in pursuit of what we are working to achieve in our lives.

Jin Sei Ryu Kanji

Our School is founded on three fundamental principles.

Jin (湛) “Profound” – Through dedicated and consistent training of the body, mind and spirit we are able to appreciate the people and things around us in a more meaningful way.

Sei (省) “Reflection” – When we spend time to self-reflect with the intent to improve, we can overcome personal difficulties and achieve great things.

Ryu (流) “Style” – Our personalised development framework and teaching approaches encourage students to grow at their own pace. As knowledge and positive energy “flows” between teachers and students, we collectively grow as a community.

Jin Sei rye Melbourne Karate Kanji
Jin Sei Ryu Melbourne Karate Rippe Badge

Jin Sei Ryu Ripple

Students often join Jin Sei Ryu Karate-Do for one of several reasons: to get fit, to learn to defend themselves, or to learn more about Japanese culture and philosophy. After a period of time however, students discover that their experience with Jin Sei Ryu Karate-Do enables them to grow and develop their mind, body and spirit in other ways – on and off the dojo floor.

At the center of the ripple is Jin (人) - A person or individual

Upon joining Jin Sei Ryu Karate-Do or any other martial art, people often join a school to learn self-defense, to improve their fitness, to learn about another culture, or simply because of a recommendation.
Students, regardless of age, quickly realize that there is more to their training than physical exercise.

The 1st Ripple represents Karate (空手) - Empty-hand training

As our students commence their training, they immerse themselves in the physical techniques of Jin Sei Ryu Karate-Do. They spend time practicing techniques in a safe and supportive environment, remembering and recalling terminology, and learning self-defence applications.

The 2nd Ripple represents Mushin (無心) - Empty-Mind practice

With continued training, students become better equipped to empty their minds so that more instinctive actions occur naturally. Mushin is achieved when a person’s mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear, or ego during times of personal adversity.
As a result, students act purposefully and with more commitment to their circumstances. This practice of “emptying their mind” works in other areas of their lives.

The 3rd Ripple represents Mushi (無私) - Empty-self or learning to become selfless

Senior Jin Sei Ryu students want to share their knowledge and experience with other students, as their seniors had done previously. As these students begin teaching, they practice and appreciate more deeply the values of mutual respect, compassion, cooperation and patience.
As a result of helping others, our teachers begin to learn more about themselves and their journey with Jin Sei Ryu becomes more meaningful.

The 4th Ripple represents Zen (善) Most kind; and Sei (誠) Most genuine thoughts and actions

Through training, teaching and applying lessons learned in the dojo to their own circumstances, our students approach life and interactions with honesty and kindness. They realise their  karate-do training has helped them become more gentle and peaceful individuals, becoming successful in other areas of life, such as education, job, vocation and relationships.

The 5th Ripple represents Jin (仁) - Collective Altruism:

When our students gather, they often collaborate on ways to help others. Sometimes these discussions focus on other students within the dojo; more often, they discuss ways to help others in their wider communities. This is when students’ training transcend the dojo. When people from different walks of life, with unique and complementary talents, gather to help others, wonderful and beautiful things can happen!